
Chisel is a fast TCP/UDP tunnel, transported over HTTP, secured via SSH. The Chisel server doesn't ever read the documented `AUTH` environment variable used to set credentials, which allows any unauthenticated user to connect, even if credentials were set. Anyone running the Chisel server that is using the `AUTH` environment variable to specify credentials to authenticate against is affected by this vulnerability. Chisel is often used to provide an entrypoint to a private network, which means services that are gated by Chisel may be affected. Additionally, Chisel is often used for exposing services to the internet. An attacker could MITM requests by connecting to a Chisel server and requesting to forward traffic from a remote port. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.10.0. All users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

No configuration.


27 Aug 2024, 13:01

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  • (es) Chisel es un túnel TCP/UDP rápido, transportado a través de HTTP y protegido mediante SSH. El servidor Chisel nunca lee la variable de entorno documentada "AUTH" utilizada para establecer las credenciales, lo que permite que cualquier usuario no autenticado se conecte, incluso si se configuraron las credenciales. Cualquiera que ejecute el servidor Chisel y utilice la variable de entorno `AUTH` para especificar las credenciales con las que autenticarse se verá afectado por esta vulnerabilidad. Chisel se utiliza a menudo para proporcionar un punto de entrada a una red privada, lo que significa que los servicios controlados por Chisel pueden verse afectados. Además, Chisel se utiliza a menudo para exponer servicios a Internet. Un atacante podría realizar solicitudes MITM conectándose a un servidor Chisel y solicitando reenviar tráfico desde un puerto remoto. Este problema se solucionó en la versión 1.10.0. Se recomienda a todos los usuarios que actualicen. No se conocen workarounds para esta vulnerabilidad.

26 Aug 2024, 23:15

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Published : 2024-08-26 23:15

Updated : 2024-08-27 13:01

NVD link : CVE-2024-43798

Mitre link : CVE-2024-43798

CVE.ORG link : CVE-2024-43798

JSON object : View

Products Affected

No product.


Inconsistency Between Implementation and Documented Design


Missing Authentication for Critical Function