
Asterisk is an open-source private branch exchange (PBX). Prior to versions 18.24.3, 20.9.3, and 21.4.3 of Asterisk and versions 18.9-cert12 and 20.7-cert2 of certified-asterisk, if Asterisk attempts to send a SIP request to a URI whose host portion starts with `.1` or `[.1]`, and res_resolver_unbound is loaded, Asterisk will crash with a SEGV. To receive a patch, users should upgrade to one of the following versions: 18.24.3, 20.9.3, 21.4.3, certified-18.9-cert12, certified-20.7-cert2. Two workarounds are available. Disable res_resolver_unbound by setting `noload =` in modules.conf, or set `rewrite_contact = yes` on all PJSIP endpoints. NOTE: This may not be appropriate for all Asterisk configurations.

No configuration.


06 Sep 2024, 12:08

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  • (es) Asterisk es una centralita privada (PBX) de código abierto. En versiones anteriores a las 18.24.3, 20.9.3 y 21.4.3 de Asterisk y las versiones 18.9-cert12 y 20.7-cert2 de certificate-asterisk, si Asterisk intenta enviar una solicitud SIP a una URI cuya parte de host comienza con `.1` o `[.1]`, y res_resolver_unbound está cargado, Asterisk se bloqueará con un SEGV. Para recibir un parche, los usuarios deben actualizar a una de las siguientes versiones: 18.24.3, 20.9.3, 21.4.3, certificate-18.9-cert12, certificate-20.7-cert2. Hay dos workarounds disponibles. Deshabilite res_resolver_unbound configurando `noload =` en modules.conf, o configure `rewrite_contact = yes` en todos los endpoints PJSIP. NOTA: Esto puede no ser apropiado para todas las configuraciones de Asterisk.

05 Sep 2024, 18:15

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Published : 2024-09-05 18:15

Updated : 2024-09-06 12:08

NVD link : CVE-2024-42491

Mitre link : CVE-2024-42491

CVE.ORG link : CVE-2024-42491

JSON object : View

Products Affected

No product.


Unchecked Return Value


NULL Pointer Dereference