
The NPM package `micromatch` prior to 4.0.8 is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persists. This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching. This issue was fixed in version 4.0.8.

No configuration.


28 Aug 2024, 00:15

Type Values Removed Values Added
Summary (en) The NPM package `micromatch` is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persists. This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching. (en) The NPM package `micromatch` prior to 4.0.8 is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persists. This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching. This issue was fixed in version 4.0.8.
  • {'url': '', 'source': '596c5446-0ce5-4ba2-aa66-48b3b757a647'}
  • {'url': '', 'source': '596c5446-0ce5-4ba2-aa66-48b3b757a647'}
  • {'url': '', 'source': '596c5446-0ce5-4ba2-aa66-48b3b757a647'}
  • () -
  • () -
  • () -
  • () -

22 May 2024, 12:15

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CVSS v2 : unknown
v3 : 7.5
v2 : unknown
v3 : 5.3
  • (es) El paquete NPM `micromatch` es vulnerable a la denegación de servicio de expresión regular (ReDoS). La vulnerabilidad ocurre en `micromatch.braces()` en `index.js` porque el patrón `.*` coincidirá con avidez con cualquier cosa. Al pasar un payload malicioso, la coincidencia de patrones seguirá retrocediendo hasta la entrada hasta que no encuentre el corchete de cierre. A medida que aumenta el tamaño de la entrada, el tiempo de consumo también aumentará hasta provocar que la aplicación se cuelgue o se ralentice. Hubo una solución combinada, pero pruebas adicionales muestran que el problema persiste. Este problema se debe mitigar mediante el uso de un patrón seguro que no comience a retroceder la expresión regular debido a coincidencias codiciosas.
Summary (en) The NPM package `micromatch` is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persists. This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching. (en) The NPM package `micromatch` is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persists. This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching.

14 May 2024, 15:42

Type Values Removed Values Added


Published : 2024-05-14 15:42

Updated : 2024-08-28 00:15

NVD link : CVE-2024-4067

Mitre link : CVE-2024-4067

CVE.ORG link : CVE-2024-4067

JSON object : View

Products Affected

No product.


Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity