
OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration. The `‎AlertUtil::validateExpression` method evaluates an SpEL expression using `getValue` which by default uses the `StandardEvaluationContext`, allowing the expression to reach and interact with Java classes such as `java.lang.Runtime`, leading to Remote Code Execution. The `/api/v1/events/subscriptions/validation/condition/<expression>` endpoint passes user-controlled data `AlertUtil::validateExpession` allowing authenticated (non-admin) users to execute arbitrary system commands on the underlaying operating system. In addition, there is a missing authorization check since `Authorizer.authorize()` is never called in the affected path and, therefore, any authenticated non-admin user is able to trigger this endpoint and evaluate arbitrary SpEL expressions leading to arbitrary command execution. This vulnerability was discovered with the help of CodeQL's Expression language injection (Spring) query and is also tracked as `GHSL-2023-235`. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution and has been addressed in version 1.2.4. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

No configuration.


21 Mar 2024, 02:52

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  • (es) OpenMetadata es una plataforma unificada para el descubrimiento, la observabilidad y la gobernanza impulsada por un repositorio central de metadatos, un linaje profundo y una colaboración fluida en equipo. El método `?AlertUtil::validateExpression` evalúa una expresión SpEL usando `getValue` que de forma predeterminada usa `StandardEvaluationContext`, permitiendo que la expresión alcance e interactúe con clases Java como `java.lang.Runtime`, lo que lleva al código remoto Ejecución. El endpoint `/api/v1/events/subscriptions/validation/condition/` pasa datos controlados por el usuario `AlertUtil::validateExpession`, lo que permite a los usuarios autenticados (no administradores) ejecutar comandos arbitrarios del sistema en el sistema operativo subyacente. Además, falta una verificación de autorización ya que `Authorizer.authorize()` nunca se llama en la ruta afectada y, por lo tanto, cualquier usuario no administrador autenticado puede activar este endpoint y evaluar expresiones SpEL arbitrarias que conduzcan a la ejecución de comandos arbitrarios. . Esta vulnerabilidad se descubrió con la ayuda de la consulta de inyección de lenguaje de expresión (Spring) de CodeQL y también se rastrea como "GHSL-2023-235". Este problema puede provocar la ejecución remota de código y se solucionó en la versión 1.2.4. Se recomienda a los usuarios que actualicen. No se conocen workarounds para esta vulnerabilidad.
Summary (en) OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration. The `?AlertUtil::validateExpression` method evaluates an SpEL expression using `getValue` which by default uses the `StandardEvaluationContext`, allowing the expression to reach and interact with Java classes such as `java.lang.Runtime`, leading to Remote Code Execution. The `/api/v1/events/subscriptions/validation/condition/<expression>` endpoint passes user-controlled data `AlertUtil::validateExpession` allowing authenticated (non-admin) users to execute arbitrary system commands on the underlaying operating system. In addition, there is a missing authorization check since `Authorizer.authorize()` is never called in the affected path and, therefore, any authenticated non-admin user is able to trigger this endpoint and evaluate arbitrary SpEL expressions leading to arbitrary command execution. This vulnerability was discovered with the help of CodeQL's Expression language injection (Spring) query and is also tracked as `GHSL-2023-235`. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution and has been addressed in version 1.2.4. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability. (en) OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration. The `‎AlertUtil::validateExpression` method evaluates an SpEL expression using `getValue` which by default uses the `StandardEvaluationContext`, allowing the expression to reach and interact with Java classes such as `java.lang.Runtime`, leading to Remote Code Execution. The `/api/v1/events/subscriptions/validation/condition/<expression>` endpoint passes user-controlled data `AlertUtil::validateExpession` allowing authenticated (non-admin) users to execute arbitrary system commands on the underlaying operating system. In addition, there is a missing authorization check since `Authorizer.authorize()` is never called in the affected path and, therefore, any authenticated non-admin user is able to trigger this endpoint and evaluate arbitrary SpEL expressions leading to arbitrary command execution. This vulnerability was discovered with the help of CodeQL's Expression language injection (Spring) query and is also tracked as `GHSL-2023-235`. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution and has been addressed in version 1.2.4. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

17 Mar 2024, 22:38

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Summary (en) OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration. The `‎AlertUtil::validateExpression` method evaluates an SpEL expression using `getValue` which by default uses the `StandardEvaluationContext`, allowing the expression to reach and interact with Java classes such as `java.lang.Runtime`, leading to Remote Code Execution. The `/api/v1/events/subscriptions/validation/condition/<expression>` endpoint passes user-controlled data `AlertUtil::validateExpession` allowing authenticated (non-admin) users to execute arbitrary system commands on the underlaying operating system. In addition, there is a missing authorization check since `Authorizer.authorize()` is never called in the affected path and, therefore, any authenticated non-admin user is able to trigger this endpoint and evaluate arbitrary SpEL expressions leading to arbitrary command execution. This vulnerability was discovered with the help of CodeQL's Expression language injection (Spring) query and is also tracked as `GHSL-2023-235`. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution and has been addressed in version 1.2.4. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability. (en) OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration. The `?AlertUtil::validateExpression` method evaluates an SpEL expression using `getValue` which by default uses the `StandardEvaluationContext`, allowing the expression to reach and interact with Java classes such as `java.lang.Runtime`, leading to Remote Code Execution. The `/api/v1/events/subscriptions/validation/condition/<expression>` endpoint passes user-controlled data `AlertUtil::validateExpession` allowing authenticated (non-admin) users to execute arbitrary system commands on the underlaying operating system. In addition, there is a missing authorization check since `Authorizer.authorize()` is never called in the affected path and, therefore, any authenticated non-admin user is able to trigger this endpoint and evaluate arbitrary SpEL expressions leading to arbitrary command execution. This vulnerability was discovered with the help of CodeQL's Expression language injection (Spring) query and is also tracked as `GHSL-2023-235`. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution and has been addressed in version 1.2.4. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

15 Mar 2024, 20:15

Type Values Removed Values Added


Published : 2024-03-15 20:15

Updated : 2024-03-21 02:52

NVD link : CVE-2024-28254

Mitre link : CVE-2024-28254

CVE.ORG link : CVE-2024-28254

JSON object : View

Products Affected

No product.


Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')